
Can I restrict the rights of employees?

Yes. At the Business plan, you can add two employees and give them necessary permissions. If you need to add more than two employees, then write a request to from your account's e-mail. Tell us how many employees you need and why.
To add an employee, click Employees on the dashboard.
Then click Add employee.
In the window opened, specify the name of the employee and his e-mail.
Next, specify the rights you want to grant your employee and click Save.
After that, system will send a message to the specified e-mail. It will contain a link for setting a password.
Now your employee can start to use a service.
To change the password for an employee, go to his settings form and click Send password change link.
If the employee is no longer working, then you can lock him and add a new one.
Then the orders that he was responsible for will stay marked with his name.
If this information in orders is not needed anymore, then simply delete the employee.