
How to enable Stripe payments?

To enable Stripe payments please follow these steps:
1. Send us a request to enable Stripe to Please send this message from the email address associated with your account.
2. We will send you a URL for a webhook endpoint. It will be something like:
3. Open you Stripe account. And go to the Developers page.
4. Then on the Webhooks tab click Add an endpoint.
5. Enter the URL from step 2. Pick the latest API version. And click Select events.
6. Pick 3 events from the list: charge.captured, charge.refunded, charge.succeeded. Click Add events.
7. Click Add endpoint.
8. In the created webhook page click a Reveal button under the signing secret title.
9. Here you will get a signing secret for the webhook. Store it somewhere. You will need it later.
10. Open the API keys section. And here you will see a Publishable key token. Store it somewhere. You will need it later.
11. Then click Create restricted key.
12. Set some meaningful name for the key. And set Write permissions for Charges and PaymentIntents resource types.
13. At the bottom of the page click Create key.
14. You will see a window with the key. Store this key.
15. Send us 3 keys from steps 9, 10 and 14 to Please send this message from the email address associated with your account.
16. We will set these keys for your account and will notify you about it.
17. Configuration is finished. You can make a test payment to verify that the order is confirmed automatically after payments.